Tonic Chinese medicine

Tonic Chinese medicineTonic Chinese medicine
  1. Fructus Psoraleae is a common tonic Chinese medicine , which is pungent and bitter in flavor , warm in nature , and attributive to the kidney and spleen meridians ;


  2. Analysis of Trace Aluminium in 5 Kinds of Kidney Tonic Chinese Traditional Medicine


  3. The results showed that the content of aluminium was different among 5 kinds of kidney tonic Chinese traditional medicine .


  4. The Influence of Blood Tonic Chinese Herbal Medicine on the Distribution of Trace Elements in Amenia Rats


  5. It was proved that The therapeutic efficacy of Kidney tonic Chinese traditional medicine has concerned with its trace elements .


  6. The content of aluminium in 5 kinds of kidney tonic Chinese traditional medicine was determined by Al-CAS-OP-10 spectrophotometry .


  7. The contents of Fe 、 Ni and Co in 11 kinds of Kidney tonic Chinese traditional medicine that were usually used on clinical practice were determined by FAAS .


  8. The progress of the experiment study in immunity on the anti-aging function of tonic qi-blood traditional Chinese medicine


  9. Objective : The tonic and beneficial traditional Chinese medicine has the effect of improving human immunity and anti-cancer by promoting proliferation of immunocytes and cytokines .
